Tag Archives: Attitude

Joy joy joy joy joy

It’s amazing what ecstasy a simple vaccine can bring.

After a year of hiding in my cave I am now able to visualize that moment when I can carefully climb back out again. In fact I have the exact date circled in my calendar. March 20th, two weeks after my second shot. At that point my anxiety can go down so many notches and better yet, I shall be able to spend time in the company of a select few (those who are also two weeks or more out from their second vaccination). People!

After such extreme deprivation (remember, I am an extrovert), this feels like an utter banquet. A wealth, if you will.

Yesterday someone complimented me (via zoom meeting) on my hair cut. Later I realized that if I had been clever, I would have responded that it was not a hair cut, it was a hair grow. Same with my eyebrows. They delight me. I simply cannot stop touching them. And two days ago, one of my eyelashes bumped into the rim of a water glass.

I was alopecic (hairless) for one straight year this time. Got old, it did. Of course my newly boosted self esteem (I like hair) is challenged by the pustular acne and eczema that are secondary to treatment with binimetinib. I never go halfway when it comes to side effects. Fortunately, my team takes these every bit as seriously as I do, and has worked with me to find solutions. As long as insurance doesn’t keep me from filling my prescription for minocycline again, I should be able to get this under control.

Soon I shall be almost as pretty as I once was. That’s a joke. Ode to my brother in law Greg, who will say to my sister Bink, ‘You’re as pretty as you’ll ever be.’ Also a joke. Which reminds me of how my father Ollie once told me that peak intelligence was reached around age eleven. This was erroneous but I was highly anxious. And twelve. So of course I worried.

Anyway, I digress. Happily. After a trying year my life feels a comparative splendor. And about that trying year. I have been doing a lot of middle of the night thinking (insomnia), and recently I was pondering the concept of practice. Both in the Buddhist sense but also totally pragmatic (which Buddhism, after all, really is). Repetition is the essence of practice. If you do something again and again (good and bad habits), it shall manifest.

This past year represented a lot of hard work–emotionally. At times it sucked but, as my son August’s colleague so pithily implored him–’embrace the suck.’ August does. I have. And we’ve both grown.

Now it’s time to bloom.



Summer, when you leave why must you depart so abruptly?

It was just a couple of weeks ago that I was sweating myself to sleep. This afternoon I crawled into bed with the heating pad turned on high just to get warm.

There is something disconcerting about the sudden change in temperature. It’s as if the season broke up with us, minus any preemptive conversation.

I mean, yes, I did voice my complaints during the last heat wave. Not vociferously, but I was a tad grumpy. The thing is, that was a passing emotion.

Now it’s already getting dark by eight…which will soon be five (damn daylight savings). The truth is I am far more productive when the days feel endless and the temperature is balmy. And the end of al fresco dining is going to put a real damper on my barely there social life.

Is it too late to apologize? If we clap could we have an encore? Or could you just take your time with fall?

Because this girl’s really not feeling winter.

Another dawn, another day

A story that bears repeating. Pun intended 🙂

I found this greeting card yesterday at the local Market Basket. It was meant as a birthday card (who knows why) but I shall co-opt it to my own purposes.

This is not the downedest I’ve been (made up word intentional as well). Nope. Almost seven years ago, post progression on my second ALK inhibitor, I was getting chemo yet again. And although I was married at that time, I truly felt alone. 

However, I’m pretty adept at turning inward for the things I need. And what I needed more than anything else was for someone to have my back. Literally and figuratively, as I desperately wanted to be held.

And so I turned to my imagination. Tried out some animals in my head (yeah, I’m a weirdo, I know). A wolf, a lion, and then a bear. Bear seemed just right. Kinda cute and cuddly looking but also potentially lethal. Just what I was looking for in a pal.

In my mind, bear was holding me. Big spoon, to be more explicit, those sharp claws resting gently on my forearm. ‘Bear,’ I said. ‘If you will just stay beside me while I’m going through this shit, I’ll make a deal with you. If I die, you can eat me. But if I don’t, you can’t.’ I could feel the bear’s breath on the back of my head. Bear didn’t budge.

Right there and then I decided bear would be my spirit animal. 

Now and again, I call bear back. Although as time has gone on, I’ve needed him/her less and less. When I’m feeling strong, it’s a lion I imagine. 

Having bear show up yesterday was a reminder that I’m not alone. Now there’s a chance that bear is hungry. But a deal is a deal and I’m not planning on being dinner.

C’est moi

Freethinker: a person who thinks freely or independently : one who forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority especially.

I view the world from two distinct lens. Natural law (an observable law relating to natural phenomena) versus human constructs. And I really, truly only respect the former.

Although I would argue this is a sensible approach to life, I often run afoul of those entities which either hew to or consider themselves The Authority. Undoubtedly this viewpoint started early in my life, when so-called rules got in the way of whatever activity I had planned. My response to being admonished by my parents and or teachers– ‘You are not the boss of me’ was certainly uttered only under my tongue after the first few retorts resulted in a spirited spanking.

Tall, tom-boyed, gap toothed, left-handed, atheist. Non-normative comes naturally to me. Which is not to imply that I am always well received.

What is a breath of fresh air to some is a pain in the ass to others. Just ask my soon to not be landlord.

Or the pharmacist who would not refill my prescription (for a drug I have taken for fourteen years) simply because there was an error in the way it had been transcribed, with it reading both every seven hours and twice a day.

One week later I finally said to him, ‘You know, it doesn’t matter what it says on the bottle, I will take those pills as often as I want to anyway.’ Note added to chart, I would imagine.

Fortunately my oncologist is on board with logic and is a goddess of empathy. As the scrip was for ativan and I was coming off of two sleepless nights per restarting lorlatinib, I was feeling a little desperate. Saturday night I messaged her. She was out (on a date with her husband, I hope) and yet stopped what she was doing to call the pharmacy on my behalf.

That night I slept like a baby. Dreaming dreams unschooled and unkempt. Authority free.