
Alright, I’m on a roll. Critical, negative, a bit whiny. Generally not the way to get elected class president.

It’s a trait I’ve had since childhood. I am not complacent and I do not hesitate to speak up when I feel that a situation is unjust. A nice way of saying I am often the first to complain.

That’s why I identify as an activist, rather than an advocate (too squishy for me). And I have no interest in being a poster child—for lung cancer, or anything else. It’s absolutely important to me to keep it real, and as time has gone on, my courage in this arena has only grown.

Some years back I was given the stage at the annual LUNGevity HOPE Summit in DC. Foolishly, I tried to give it a go minus a script. My presentation went off the rails quickly, with me proclaiming to the crowd that I would ‘never be anybody’s bitch.’

As I left the platform I was thinking I’d never be invited back. I certainly offended some people (because, of course, that’s not all I said that day) but overall, the response was receptive. And my transition from grateful advocate (thank you thank you thank you) to crusading activist (gratitude with a dollop of angry on top) had begun.

For better or worse, I am nobody’s bitch. At least in spirit. In reality, I am under the thumb of quite a few entities. Trial sponsor, landlord, taxman. It is what it is and I am what I am. A squeaky wheel, square pegged, outspoken mutant. Generally easy to like. Definitely hard to kill. And certainly impossible to silence.

19 responses to “Truth

  1. Bravo. We love you and need you. Gale

    On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 6:34 AM life and breath: outliving lung cancer wrote:

    > linnea11 posted: ” Alright, I’m on a roll. Critical, negative, a bit > whiny. Generally not the way to get elected class president. It’s a trait > I’ve had since childhood. I am not complacent and I do not hesitate to > speak up when I feel that a situation is unjust. A nice” >

  2. You definitely fit no molds. So willing to risk saying what everyone else is only thinking and so easy to love.

    On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 9:33 AM life and breath: outliving lung cancer wrote:

    > linnea11 posted: ” Alright, I’m on a roll. Critical, negative, a bit > whiny. Generally not the way to get elected class president. It’s a trait > I’ve had since childhood. I am not complacent and I do not hesitate to > speak up when I feel that a situation is unjust. A nice” >

  3. Linnea, You are a living legend! Thank u

    Sent from my iPhone


  4. And I am extremely proud of you and to be your friend. As you know I was always the same way, spending an inordinate amount of “quality” time in the Principal’s office as a kid. If you didn’t and don’t say and do all that you do advocating for yourself and those dealing with Lung Cancer you would not be who you are Linnea!Bravo!✊🏼❤️

    • Marc, there are many reasons for our strong affinity and that time in the principals office (I was there as well) is but one of them.

      xo Linnea

  5. I love it – what a great thing to say in a speech! People will remember it and you were honest — and you have so much to say they should damn well listen to you! I coach people on speeches now and my very favourite one was by a woman who runs a theatre company and wanted to begin with “I hate the theatre.” Which she does, inasmuch as it draws in mostly smug older white people who can afford those ticket prices (and the time, and the travel etc). “I can’t say that,” she said. But she did. And it was exactly what she HAD to say, which is all any speech should be. And the audience (theatre luvvies all) loved it! Keep going Linnea. xxxx

    • Liz, that’s a great recollection–I am glad she went with heartfelt (and I am certain you are an amazing coach).

      xo Linnea

  6. you keep on doing you! i am a few years behind you in diagnosis, but same meds and same doctor. Blessed to have such a great team, and thankful for the meds. But, all those scans……phew!

    • Yes—keep track (the scans). You need to be your own advocate. But you are in great hands with Alice!

      xo Linnea

  7. Dear Linnea,
    Yep, this week began my very first participation in first in human trials – it certainly does take balls to sign those consent forms and head to the infusion room. And, I learned the title of my new bosses for the first time – “Trial Sponsors,” who have my fate in their hands. I do have an incredible doctor and team at the START Center in San Antonio, so I will try to put aside the anxiety that goes along with this step and focus on positivity. Please keep on in your activist role, you marvelous square peg you – people who need to hear will eventually listen, and it buoys the rest of us more than we can say. One of my mottos is “Hey Cancer, you picked the wrong bitch,” and I continually see that the beast most certainly made the same mistake with you!
    Love and all good things to you,
    p.s. and, oh yes, I can’t believe the parking fee bullshit!!!….really??

  8. Kate, best of luck to you in this (ad)venture and I love your motto. And yeah, the parking thing is RIDICULOUS. Small potatoes for the sponsor, a cumulative BFD for me and other trial participants.

    xo Linnea

  9. Hi Linnea-The reality of this disease sucks. You are inspirational!

    Keep on keeping on!


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